Some Testimonials from THE SOUVIA TEAM

"SOUVIA provided a highly impactful career development program for me. This has had a significant impact on my long-term career path."
M Reyhan H
Spv. Marketing
“I am very happy to be allowed to contribute at Souvia. The solid team and supportive environment have made me a better person.”
Endy Fajar R
Head Of Performance Marketing
"I am delighted and honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the Souvia team. The emphasis here is on care, support, and encouragement, which are highly valued. I am thrilled to be part of this amazing team."
Alpha Zufar
Sales Manager
“Glad and proud to be allowed to contribute with souvia team. Care, supportiveness and encouragement is the most highlighted things here. Very extremely fun able to joining with this incredible team”
Tufail Ilham
Account Manager Officer
Being a part of Souvia has been a great source of pride for me. Over the past year, I have gained a lot of experience and opportunities while working at Souvia. The work environment is incredibly supportive, helping me grow both professionally and personally.
Dera Asyana
Spv. Operational Jakarta
The thing I am most grateful for while working at Souvia is the enjoyable work environment and the supportive colleagues. I have also gained a lot of new knowledge that aligns with my passion.
Rifki Septiansyah
Vendor Management Strategist
“I am happy to have joined Souvia and to still be here, as I feel the comfort of the environment and the teamwork from colleagues who are supportive in our work. Souvia also cares about the development of its employees' skills and knowledge to make them even better.”
Dini Audina
Finance Administration Officer
“I am happy to have joined Souvia and to continue working here because I feel comfortable with the work environment and receive support from the team. Souvia also cares about the development of employees' skills and knowledge to make them better.”
Mita Octavianti
Accounting Officer
"In 1 year and 8 months at SOUVIA, I've gained a lot of new knowledge and experience. I've developed skills like responding to messages in under a minute and interacting directly with clients from various organizations. SOUVIA provides many opportunities for continuous learning and growth, encouraging employees to explore and enhance their abilities. The positive environment also makes it a great place to work. Growing rapidly and soaring high, SOUVIA!"
R. Ay Fadhillah
Account Executive Officer
"In over 2 years at Souvia, I've enjoyed many aspects, especially the comfortable environment, like-minded colleagues, great supervisors, and monthly activities. Souvia also regularly holds training sessions to enhance employees' knowledge and skills, making them more competent in their fields."
Vinny Aulia
Sales Data Support
"I've been with Souvia for nearly a year and have gained many insights. Souvia has a positive work environment and supportive colleagues. The company appreciates its employees and offers development programs to enhance skills in their respective fields. The numerous benefits make working at Souvia enjoyable and comfortable."
Aas Riska
Human Resource Officer
"It's been almost 1 year since I worked at souvia. There are many lessons and experiences that can be taken and applied as a professional while working. In addition, the supportive work environment also frees me to be myself as a quiet person. Thank you souvia fire emot."
Agung Firdaus Harahap
Vendor Management Strategist
"In my opinion, the culture, values, and work practices at Souvia have had a huge impact on my career journey in the world of work. And not only that, Souvia is also a very appropriate place to grow, process, and progress, in line with Souvia's great Vision and Mission in the future."
Ina Diana
Account Executive Officer

Meet Our CEO

Backstory Souvia

Souvia dimulai dari kontrakan kecil di sekitar kampus IPB pada 2014-2015. Awalnya melayani mahasiswa dengan souvenir untuk acara kampus. Setelah mengadopsi digital marketing pada 2015, mereka berhasil meningkatkan omzet dari Rp1,5 juta menjadi Rp100-150 juta per bulan.

Nilai dan Prinsip Souvia

Souvia dibangun dengan modal kecil dan dikelola oleh tim muda yang kreatif. Mereka fokus pada manfaat besar bagi karyawan dan masyarakat, serta menekankan pentingnya memiliki keyakinan dan tujuan yang kuat dalam berbisnis.

Tantangan yang Dihadapi

Souvia menghadapi ketidakpastian pasar dan penurunan omzet 75% selama pandemi COVID-19. Namun, mereka tidak menyerah, mempivot ke produk lain, dan berhasil bertahan.

Visi ke Depan

Souvia bercita-cita menjadi penyedia souvenir terbesar di Asia, atau setidaknya di Indonesia. Mereka berkomitmen untuk terus bermimpi besar dan memperluas dampak positif bagi pelanggan dan karyawan.

Job Vacancy

Are you ready to start on an exciting career journey in SOUVIA?


Our Activity

Our diverse range of activities ensures that our employees are always engaged, learning, and contributing to meaningful projects.

Development Program

Fun Activities

Social Activities